Phillip Blankenship Siding Applicator
Beaware of Phillip Blankenship
This applicator will over Charge then BlackMail you to pay up
Protect yourself from a Dishonest Siding Applicator Phillip Blankenship
I refuse to pay an extortion fee of any kind to have negative review removed. You are not a customer.
I’ve been in this industry more than 45 years, never thought I’d see the day applicator turn labor wages in to blackmail to make money.
Disagreements on footages are not a new thing, we gave you our schematic to see where the difference yours to ours.
Actual footages on a house don’t change, you’ll have waste that’s to be expected but when you’ve added on additional footage to make up extra money… That’s not excusable.
This Siding Applicator will call you to give him a chance to work for you everything goes as planned The the shock of all time calls back said you must have made a mistake it should be 154.00 more for additional footage.